Pattern: Keep Away Slipper (ravelry, sorry)
Needles: 9 and 10
Yarn: Patton's Classic Merino, wool roving
I only increased up to 24sts, because a lot of people on ravelry mentioned that their slippers were turning out too large. @4 ended up being perfect. I also knit 5 rounds instead of 3 after turning the heel.
I used the Turkish cast on and knit in the round on two circulars. This tutorial was really helpful in casting on. I think both techniques are pretty cumbersome, but the nice thing about knitting with the intent to felt is that minor mistakes blend away. The increase lines on my toes had huge holes. I went back in and wove a strand of yarn through them before felting and they closed up with no problem, but I would never use this for non-felted socks.
This project was really an excuse to try my hand at some needle felting. The needle felting was fun and really easy. The only drawback is that my wrist and shoulder would ache after a while. But, like any good knitter, I would never let a little carpal tunnel stand in the way of getting a project done!
A-dorable! (I love Kandinsky too)